Tuesday 4 December 2012

Web Based Time Tracking Software – 3 Critical Things To Check Before You Buy

Web based time tracking software has become a fundamentally important part of organizational business operations for companies of all sizes across the globe. There is a huge demand, and a subsequent supply, of such solutions making it a rapidly growing market. At times, it can be difficult for entrepreneurs and management professionals to make the right choice because there is an abundance of options and information available about fingerprint time clocks.

This post will help guide you to make an informed decision on the basis of 3 key elements that you should consider when deciding what workforce management system is the right choice for you.

What are the System’s Features?

biometric time clock cannot be any help to your business if it does not provide features that meet the required needs for your particular type of organization. You need to make sure that the time and attendance management solution you buy can evolve with the passage of time and can be customized to include features that are critical to your business niche. The ideal approach would be to list your requirements and demands, and then compare them with your available options and budget.

Payroll Integration Possibilities

There is hardly any point in automating your time and attendance management if your payroll department is unable to access the data recorded by the web based time tracking software you choose, or if it cannot integrate with your existing payroll system. You would simply be throwing your money away if your payroll staff still has to process payroll manually. It is paramount that you look for fingerprint time clocks that are able to not only accurately record data, but can also export it to preferred formats for payroll reports, or export directly into your existing payroll and accounting systems for processing.

Complexity of the System

It is essential that both the hardware and software components of the biometric time clock you purchase are easy for your staff to use. In a majority of cases, these systems can be used and operated by any employee, regardless of his or her computer literacy. If your selected workforce management system is too complex, it may fail to achieve your organizational objective of improving efficiency and revenue. 

1 comment:

  1. Time and attendance software can helps to reduce labor cost, analyze and track employee contributions to project work and also minimize the timesheet errors related to over payroll payments.

    To manage our employees attendance and performance, we are using Replicon's time tracking software. We have been using this software for a quite long time and we love its innovative features that could do almost anything you need for your business.
